Examples of Possible Assessment Adjustments

Please note that not all accommodations are possible for each assessment. SHL can advise recruiting organizations on what is possible.


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Support for screen readers and adjustment to online test presentation e.g., size of font, changing the color contrast.

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Adding additional time to timed tests.

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Identifying alternative ways to measure competencies where needed.

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Providing an example of the format of the interview questions in advance.

Adjustments in the Assessment Experience

At SHL, we advocate for an individual-led adjustment process, encouraging recruiters to create a positive and welcoming space. In this environment, Candidates can feel comfortable sharing details of their neurodiversity and requesting adjustments that will help them showcase their skills and behaviors. 

If you would like to discuss reasonable adjustment options for an upcoming online assessment:  

You can contact the recruiting organization that invited you to take part in the assessment. Recruiting organizations have the legal obligation to determine what is a reasonable adjustment within the circumstances. The decision is ultimately the recruiting organization’s to make.

When deciding whether you want to disclose your neurodivergence, it is helpful to understand what accommodations are possible. Our Candidate Support Team can share details of the type of accommodations you can make for yourself and what might be available through your recruiting organization. You can fill in an online form on our Candidate Help site.

You can also find advice about requesting reasonable adjustments on our Accessibility Support page, including a free tool that helps guide you through defining your own support needs.

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